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Rose Rich Girls Softball Association

Rose Rich Girls Softball Association

Table of Contents

 Article  I  OBJECTIVE


The objectives of this association shall be to provide the sport of softball to girls, to teach them to work as a team, and to learn sportsmanship. Managers shall enforce good safety practices and strongly encourage sportsmanship, especially by example.

The current year’s ASA/USA OFFICIAL GUIDE, as published by the Amateur Softball Association of America, 2081 NE 50th Street, PO Box 11436, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111-7203, shall be the official rules of the RRGSA.

Should the current Association membership fail to act on the local rules prior to February 1st, those rules adopted during the previous year shall remain in effect.

This constitution or any section thereof may be amended or replaced by two-thirds majority vote of the attending membership prior to February 1st. of any given year.


Article II: League Rules

Managers, coaches, players, or spectators will be removed from a game or from the
association for disciplinary reasons that include:

The use of any tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances on the field or in the dugout during
practice or games.

No alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances will be allowed in the stands.

Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances at practice or games.

The use of profanity at any time during practice or games

A second offense of any of these reasons will result in the expulsion of participation for the remainder of the regular and post season and removal from RRGSA.


Time will be called immediately when a player is hurt and bases will  be awarded at the
umpire’s discretion.

Coaches are responsible for providing lineups with jersey #’s to the official scorekeeper with
copies available for the umpire and opposing team before each game.

Forfeit times is ten minutes after game time. Game time is set by the current year’s

Three innings or 45 minutes will constitute a complete game in the instance of weather or
other uncontrollable situations. No more than 6 innings will be played

A team is allowed only 6 runs per inning in 6U and 8U and 5 runs per inning in 10U and

Run (mercy) rule will be in effect. A game will be called completed when a team is ahead by:

15 after 3 innings
10 after 4 innings
8 after 5 innings

Should a team not be able to field the minimum number of players required to start a game
then a RRGSA registered player may be utilized from the age below your division (I.e. a 10U team may
have an 8U player, a 12U team may have a 10U player or an 8U player…etc.) in order to meet the
minimum number of players allowed to take the field in a game. If a 6U team will need an additional
player to meet the minimum number of players the coach will need to get with the 6U Representative to
have player(s) approved to be added for the game(s) If such a player is utilized, they MUST play in the
outfield and bat last in the batting order. This is a game by game basis and need.

You may start or finish with only six players in 6U and 8U.
You may start or finish with only eight players in 10U and up

Any player arriving more than 20 minutes after the start of the game MAY NOT enter that game.

In the event you have picked up players and your team player arrives prior to the twenty-minute limit,
the original player will replace the pick-up players spot.

The manager of each team shall have the responsibility of maintaining order, discipline, and
good sportsmanship from all who are associated with or representing his/her team. Coaches are to wear
issued coach’s shirts. Coaches shall not alter uniform. Coaches must wear caps and visors correctly and
are not allowed to wear them backwards.

Player's shoes shall be closed top, with no metal spikes or metal cleats. Rubber cleats are
acceptable. No Exceptions for league Teams.

No girl shall be allowed to play unless in proper uniform, which consists of only those items,
approved by the RRGSA. EXCEPTION: With the permission of the plate umpire.

If a player is being disciplined, she may be withheld from one or more games for the
following reasons:

Two missed practices in a row or excessive absences from both practices and games, Example would be
a No Show, No Call situation; EXCEPTION: An excused absence.

Unsportsmanlike conduct or any other activity that discredits Rose Rich Girls Softball Association. This is
based on the umpires hearing and or seeing poor sportsmanship.
A coach is not allowed to take disciplinary action against a child player without the approval from the
Executive Board. Any instance will be addressed on a case by case basis and reviewed by the Executive

Each team is responsible for the following:

Each team is responsible for leaving dugouts, fields and spectator area clean after each game
and practices. (See D for Penalty) Litter and glass are strictly prohibited.

Field Maintenance:
RRGSA will schedule official workdays before opening day. Each team will provide at least two
representatives at each workday. Failure to fulfill your obligations shall result in suspension of manager
for (2) games. Suspended managers shall not be present at games.

Score keeping: The home team will supply an official scorekeeper at least 18 years of age.
EXCEPTION:  Out of town teams.

Penalty: Any team failing to fulfill their obligations shall result in suspension of manager for two (2)
games. Suspended managers shall not be present at games, or perform any of the above duties and
MAY be required to forfeit their next league game and four (4) scheduled practice times on the fields.
The scheduler will find a replacement team for this forfeited game. A first offense will constitute a
warning to the manager. Repeat offenders MAY be suspended as outlined.

The catcher, batter, and base runners shall all wear protective equipment during all games
and practice sessions. It is required to have a batting helmet with a facemask and chin strap. REQUIRED to wear a facemask during the games and practices.

All able players shall not sit out consecutive innings of play.  Failure to play all girls, is  an automatic out for the offending team when they start to bat the next inning.
Exception: Games not lasting four innings, Players being disciplined under SECTION 12.

All leagues/divisions will have a minimum of one ASA/USA certified umpire for each game.  However, every effort will be made to furnish two umpires per game.  Umpires are prohibited from calling a game involving his/her daughter's division, or in his/her division he/she manages or coaches.
T-ball division will not have umpires. 
One umpire for the PIXIE LEAGUES.
If both managers agree, an adult that is acceptable to both managers may umpire a game in the absence of an ASA/USA umpire.  The results of the game will be final and no protests will be allowed.

All defensive players not on the playing field must remain in the dugout.  All offensive players, other than the base runners, the batter, on deck batter, and the base coaches, must remain in the dugout.

No one except players, coaches, team scorekeeper, approved parent/helper or Team Mother will be allowed in the dugouts.  In the absence of a manager or coach, a temporary alternate assisstant may be used.

The team at bat shall be responsible for retrieving bats from the playing field.


An injured player removed from the field shall take her at bat unless officially removed from the game.  If removed from the game, the girl's position in the batting order will be skipped without penalty.

Girls are not allowed to leave the base they are on, in stealing, or lead off until the pitcher releases the ball.  If a girl does leave prior to the time the pitcher releases the bat, the umpire may issue a warning or call the runner out.  Based on umpire judgement.

"International Tie Breaker (ITB)"  When a softball game is tied at the end of six inning, or time expires, the International Tie Breaker rule goes into effect.  At the start of the overtime inning, a runner is placed on second and third base with one out.  The assigned runners are the last to complete an at bat.  One full inning is played, allowing each team the same chance to score.  If the score remains tied, then the game will be recorded as a tie in the standings.

End of Seasons International Tie Breaker will have the same start as regular season ITB in the first inning.  If a second inning of ITB occurs, then each team will start with 2 outs, ITB will continue until the game has a winner.

SECTION 23   Pitching and Base Distances

Bases for all division shall be 60 feet in length.

Pitching in the 10U division will be from 35 feet.
Pitching in the 12U/14U division will be from 40 feet


Revised 01/2024

Article III: Special Rules


In the instance a PLAYER tests POSITIVE a member of the RRGSA board needs to be notified immediately. The board will discuss with the family and determine an appropriate course of action.  A player will not be allowed at a practice or game until a plan is implemented. This will be on a case by case basis.

DISCLAIMER: Participants, parents, family, and spectators engaging in softball and activities related to softball do so with knowledge of the risk and potential exposure involved and agree to accept any and all inherent risks to their personal health.

As to all applicable persons, people should be instructed that if they are exhibiting symptoms of possible exposure to COVID-19, such as fever, that they should not come to events until such time as the participant has been tested and/or cleared.




An approved Incredi-ball T- Ball will be used.

Game time will be 45 minutes. No new inning will start after 45 minutes.

All players should be listed in the batting order.

A team must have 3 players to start a game.

There will be no score kept during the game.

No stealing or bunting.

Runners must stay in contact with the base until the ball is hit.

All balls are placed on the tee.

There are no strikeouts. All balls must be put in play.

A maximum of three coaches for each team on Offense and three on Defense are allowed on the field at one time.

Coaches may coach the bases on offense and coach the defense in the field. Coaches must make every attempt to avoid the players and the ball when aligning their defensive positions.

Prior to a ball being hit by a batter, no infielder will be positioned in front of the imaginary line extended diagonally across the infield between 1st base and 3rd base.

No run downs to first, second, or third base. Throws must be made to record an out. Force out at home
may be made to record an out.

Any player may run the ball inside the circle to initiate a dead ball.

An inning is completed when all the players have batted once. If three outs are recorded, the bases are
emptied and the team batting continues to hit until the lineup is complete.

Coaches MUST rotate players, with each player playing at least one infield position for a full inning per
game, to assure that players receive experience at several positions and maintain a higher level of player
and team enthusiasm.

Field dimensions are:
45’ base paths,
30’ from home plate to pitcher’s plate,
63’ 7-1/4” home to 2nd base,
Home plate to be at least 15’ from the backstop.

A line or arc is to be placed 15’ in front of the home plate from the 1st and 3rd base foul lines to
designate a dead ball area. A batted ball must go beyond this area to be a fair ball.

There are no official Umpires for T-Ball. The game should be governed by the two managers of the
teams. There will be no arguing between coaches and teams. Sportsmanship, learning the game at a
basic level, and having fun shall be demonstrated at all times.

Safety and Positive Encouragement shall be displayed by all members of a team.

During the last three (3) games of the season the pitching coach will give each batter 3 practice pitches
before they hit off of the “T”. No running or plays will be made during the practice pitches.


An 11 inch RRGSA Board approved ball will be used. (AD STARR 5)

Game time will be one hour. No new inning will start after one hour. Time expires, finish the inning
unless the home team is mathematically eliminated from the game.

The infield fly rule will not be in effect

A continuous batting order will be used. All players will be in the batting order. If a player arrives late
she will be put at the bottom of the lineup.

All players on the roster will play every inning. Infield positions will remain the same. All additional
players will play in the outfield. A minimum of 6 players will start a game.

No stealing or bunting but the base runner may lead off once the pitch has left the pitchers hand.

Runners must stay in contact with the base until the ball is released by the coach pitcher.

Play is stopped when the ball is returned to the pitcher in the pitchers circle and control of the ball is
shown. Based on the umpires judgement. Play may also be stopped by tagging the lead runner with the
ball while the runner is on base. The base runner, which has not yet crossed the HALFWAY mark
between bases, will be sent back by the umpire. This is a judgment call and should not be argued.

A batter shall receive a total of 5 balls

A batter shall receive 3 pitches from the coach. If the batter does not hit after the 3 pitches, she may
have 2 attempts off of the batting tee. A foul ball will be considered an attempt even if on the 3rd
pitched ball or the 2nd attempt off of the tee.

The pitching coach has the option of pitching a total of 5 balls to the batter. The decision to avoid using
the “T” for the last two pitches must be announced to the Umpire after the third pitch. Once this
decision has been made there will be no reversing the decision. The batter must finish with the final two
live pitches. If the batter does not swing at the 5th pitch then the batter will be called out on strikes.
The “T” can be utilized the first game by all players, a player must be removed from the “T” every game
following the first game. A “T” will not be used in the EOS tournament. The coach pitcher will handle all
pitching and outs will be recorded. There will be no walks. (rev. 1/17)

A batter will receive a maximum of 7 pitches. A batter will receive no more than 7 pitches, even if the
7th pitch is a foul ball. All fair balls must be played, bunts and deliberate half swings are ruled illegal and
count as a pitch. A batter is out even if player fouls the 7th pitch. The batter will be allowed 5 strikes
during an at bat. The batter will strike out or hit the ball fair.

Pitching will be under hand and performed by the team’s own coach. The defensive player must take
position on or behind the pitching rubber with both feet in the circle until the ball is hit. She may move
outside the 8 ft. circle once the ball has been hit. The player pitcher must do all of the fielding. The adult
pitcher must make every attempt to get completely out of the field of play once the ball has been hit. If
in the umpire’s judgment, the coach intentionally interferes; the batter is out, AND ALL RUNNERS WILL
RETURN TO THEIR ORIGINAL BASE. Pitching will be done from 35 feet with at least one foot inside the
pitching circle.

Errant Throws on initial play - When a ball is hit into play, on the initial play only, as soon as the ball has
clearly been thrown by a defensive player past first base and the ball remains in Foul Territory the ball
becomes dead and play is stopped. The ball does not have to make contact with the fence to result in a
dead ball. A ball thrown by a defensive player that gets by the first baseman and remains in Fair
Territory is a live ball.

ONE base is awarded to all the base runners from their position at the time of when the ball is thrown
past first base. The base runners are awarded the base they were attempting to make when the ball is
thrown past first. The batter-runner is awarded second base on the errant throw, and a force would be
in effect to push any runners on second base to third base. For example, if there is a base runner at
second base at the time of the pitch, a ball is hit into play and on that initial play, the ball is thrown by a
defensive player past first base, and as the ball is thrown past first base, that runner makes an attempt
to go home, that base runner is awarded home. If there was no attempt toward home, the base runner
shall remain at third base while the batter-runner is awarded second base. (rev. 3/22)

A maximum of three coaches for each team on Offense and three on Defense are allowed on the field at
one time. Coach positions for Offense will be the pitcher, first and third base. Coach positions for
Defense will be first and third base coaches positioned on the grass behind the Offensive base coaches.
The third Defensive Coach may be positioned behind the catcher and umpire to assist with past balls.
This coach may hand the ball to the catcher or throw back to the pitching coach. This is intended to
speed the game up between pitches. All coaches must not interfere with a play regardless of location on
the field. Coaches must be in foul territory when coaching defense and offense except for the coach
pitcher. (rev. 1/17)

The defensive team will have the following positions on the infield (dirt): catcher, pitcher, 1st base, 2nd
base, 3rd base, and short stop. All outfielders, with the exception of the rover must be positioned on the
grass. The rover must be declared if asked by the umpire and start three feet behind the bases but may
move in once the ball is pitched. Players may not start any closer to the batter than the half way marks
along the foul line.


There will be no more than 6 runs or 3 outs per half inning. Official scores will be kept for league


An 11 inch RRGSA Board approved ball will be used. (ASA Core 4795)

Game time will be one hour and ten minutes. No new inning will start after one hour and ten minutes.
Time expires, Finish the inning unless the home team is mathematically eliminated from the game.

The infield fly rule is not in effect.

A continuous batting order will be used. All players will be in the batting order. If a player arrives late
she will be put at the bottom of the lineup.

A minimum of six players will start a game with a maximum of 10 on the field.

There will be no more than 6 runs or 3 outs per half inning. Official scores will be kept for league

No stealing or bunting but the base runner may lead off once the pitch has left the pitchers hand.

Runners must stay in contact with the base until the ball is released by the coach pitcher.

Play is stopped and time is called when the ball is returned to the infield and is in control by the player
pitcher in the 8 ft. radius pitchers circle. Play may also be stopped by tagging the lead runner with the
ball while the runner is on base. The base runner, which has not yet crossed the HALFWAY mark
between bases, will be sent back by the umpire. This is a judgment call and should not be argued.

A batter will receive a maximum of 5 pitches unless there is a foul on the 5th pitch. A batter will get a
6th pitch and a 7th pitch if the 6th is a foul ball. A batter will receive no more than 7 pitches, even if the
7th pitch is a foul ball. All fair balls must be played, bunts and deliberate half swings are ruled illegal and
count as a pitch. A batter is out even if player fouls the 7th pitch.

Pitching will be under hand and performed by the team’s own coach. The defensive player must take
position on or behind the pitching rubber with both feet in the circle until the ball is hit. She may move
outside the 8 ft. circle once the ball has been hit. The player pitcher must do all of the fielding. The adult
pitcher must make every attempt to get completely out of the field of play once the ball has been hit. If
in the umpire’s judgment, the coach intentionally interferes; the batter is out, AND ALL RUNNERS WILL
RETURN TO THEIR ORIGINAL BASE. Pitching will be done from 35 feet with at least one foot inside the
pitching circle.

If a player is involved in a play at any base, the player must not intentionally initiate a collision. If a
player is ruled to have intentionally initiated a collision an out will be charged or the run allowed to
score, depending on which player is ruled the offending party. This is a judgment call and should not be

A maximum of 2 defensive coaches are allowed on the field at one time and located in foul territory.

Coaches may coach the bases (1st and 3rd) on offense and the coach pitcher from the pitcher’s circle.
The defensive team will have the following positions on the infield (dirt): catcher, pitcher, 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, and short stop.  All outfielders, with the exception of the rover must be positioned on the grass.  The rover must be declared if asked by the umpire and start three feet behind the bases but may move in once the ball is pitched.  Players may not start any closer to the batter than the half way marks along the foul line.



ASA Class “B” rules will be in effect

A player pitcher is used.

An 11 inch RRGSA Board approved ball will be used (ASA Core 4795)

Game time will be one hour and ten minutes. No new inning will start after one hour and ten minutes.
Time expires, Finish the inning unless the home team is mathematically eliminated from the game.

The infield fly rule is not in effect.

A continuous batting order will be used. All players will be in the batting order. If a player arrives late
she will be put at the bottom of the lineup.

A minimum of eight players will start a game. (9 maximum on the field)

There will be no more than 5 runs per half inning or 3 outs. Official scores will be kept for league

Dropped third strike IS NOT in effect in the first 50% of season games, dropped third strike IS in effect in
the second 50% of season games and EOS Tournament.

There will be NO coach pitch. The player pitcher will handle all pitching duties.

Play is stopped when the ball is back to the pitcher in the 8 foot radius. (Look back rule is in effect)

Bunting and slap Hitting are allowed.

Players can steal 1 base per pitch in the first 50% of season , players can steal multiple bases in
the second 50% of season . Stealing home will be allowed all season.

If a player is involved in a play at any base, the player must not intentionally initiate a collision and an
attempt to slide should be made by the base runner. If a player is ruled to have intentionally initiated a
collision an out will be charged or the run allowed to score, depending on which player is ruled the
offending party. This is a judgment call and should not be argued.

Walking a batter with first base open allows for the runner to continue “Jet” to second base. The runner
and play will still be live and may be thrown out. If the Jet runner shows hesitation going to second base
then she may be called out. This is an umpire’s decision and shall not be argued.


ASA Class “B” rules will be in effect.

A player pitcher is used at this level.

A 12 inch RRGSA board approved ball will be used at this level (ASA Core 4795)

Bunting, Slap Hitting, and Stealing home are allowed.

The infield fly rule IS in effect.

A continuous batting order will be used. All players will be in the batting order. If a player arrives late
she will be put at the bottom of the lineup

Dropped third strike is in effect.

A minimum of eight players will start a game. Nine players will take the field on defense.

The teams first drafted pitcher and catcher must pitch 51% of the overall regular season, if this rule is
not followed it will be a Board Review to determine the outcome for the team/coach.

If a player is involved in a play at any base, the player must not intentionally initiate a collision and an
attempt to slide should be made by the base runner. If a player is ruled to have intentionally initiated a
collision an out will be charged or the run allowed to score, depending on which player is ruled the
offending party. This is a judgment call and should not be argued.

Game time will be one hour and ten minutes. No new inning will start after one hour and ten minutes.
Time expires, Finish the inning unless the home team is mathematically eliminated from the game.

There will be no more than 5 runs or 3 outs per half inning. Official scores will be kept for league

Play is stopped when the ball is back to the pitcher in the 8 foot radius. (Look back rule is in effect)




International Tie Breaker is NOT in Effect. EVERY DIVISION


  1. ONE base is awarded to all the base runners from their position at the time of the throw. The runner is only awarded the base they were attempting to make when the ball is thrown. For example if the runner has not made an attempt to proceed to 2nd base before the ball is thrown, the runner is only awarded 1st base and may not advance to 2nd.
  2. The “T” will be removed during a point in the season deemed appropriate by the division representative and discussion amongst the board.
  3. Once the “T” is removed the batter will receive a maximum of 7 pitches. A batter will receive no more than 7 pitches, even if the 7th pitch is a foul ball. All fair balls must be played, bunts and deliberate half swings are ruled illegal and count as a pitch. A batter is out even if player fouls the 7th pitch. The batter will be allowed 5 strikes during an at bat. The batter will strike out or hit the ball fair.


  1. No Different Modifications from the Spring


  1. No Different Modifications from the Spring


  1. No Different Modifications from Spring


 Why: If a team will not have enough players to field a full defensive team for a game, the Team Manager may request the use of not more than two pool players to field a full defensive team not to exceed nine (9) total players on the requesting team. Every request for a pool player must include the reason for absence, and the right to obtain a pool player must be approved by the Player Agent or the Division Representative in which the pool player is requested. No games will be rescheduled due to an absence of a player.

How: Team Manager must use all efforts to notify the Player Agent no later than 2pm the day of the game regarding need to use a pool player(s). If you are aware of the need in advance, submit the request early. The approval of the pool player shall be made by the Player Agent without input from any Manager. Any use of a pool player or substitute player that has not been assigned by the Player Agent or Division Representative shall result in a 6‐0 forfeit by the offending team.

Where: The pool player must always play the outfield and bat last. The pool player must play at least six (6) consecutive outs and bat at least one time. In the event a "rostered" player shows up after the start of a game, the pool player must meet this rule and then the regular player must be inserted into the lineup and the pool player removed.

Pool players are not allowed if it means the team will have extra players on the bench or to just add batters to your lineup. No pool players are allowed for post‐season tournament play. (Adopted 4.4.19)

UPDATED 1/2024



  1. Both teams are responsible for cleaning and disposing of their trash in the trash can for their dugouts and the area around the bleachers and locking gates when the exit the field. 
  2. The field maintainer should be used after all games and practices, assuming there is not a follow up game.  The field maintainer should only be used by someone 16 years of age or older and only one person should be on the field maintainer at a time. 
  3. Return field maintainer to bunker and lock doors.

Starting the Field Maintainer

  1. To start the maintainer, the pedal by your left foot has to be in neutral (Middle position).  The pedal goes forward to advance the machine forward and back to go in reverse. 
  2. There is a choke on the left side of the steering column.  Pull out to choke the machine if it is cold. Once it is started, push the choke back in to its normal position. 
  3. The brake and gas pedal are by your right  foot. The brake is identified with a  red pedal and the accelerator is next to the brake. 
  4. All drags should be in their upright position while exiting or entering the bunker and traveling within the park.  Caution:  having a drag lowered while exiting or entering the bunker or traveling from one field to the other will damage the drags.   

Dragging the fields

The goal of dragging the fields is to return the playing surface to its original state by filling in low spots around the pitching area, batter’s box and leveling the infield.  

  • It is not a race to see how fast you can drag a field and the dirt on the infield should stay on the infield, not drug off when exiting the infield. 
  • The preferred method is to fill in the low spots initially around the pitching area and batter’s box, then circle the perimeter of the infield twice with the appropriate drag.   
  • Then start around the pitching area in a circular motion until all areas have been dragged. 
  • Do not attempt to drag a field if the field is wet enough where you cannot walk on it. 

There are two drags on the maintainer (Rake and a Rear Basket) 

  • Either hand rake or use the front blade on the field maintainer to fill in the low spots (divots) around the pitching area and batter’s box. You can raise and lower the front blade with the adjustment lever on the right side of the field maintainer. 
  • The rear basket should be used if the ground conditions are dry (normal conditions).  The adjustment is a hydraulic switch located left of the steering wheel.  If dirt is piling up on the rear basket, raise the back drag and use the rake beneath the field maintainer only. 
  • The rake beneath the field maintainer should be used only if the ground is damp and the back drag cannot be used or if there are some ruts or major divots.  The adjustment is a hand lever located on the on the right side of the seat.  It will lower the rake beneath the field maintainer to a proper depth.  
  • Do not rake directly over home plate, the pitching rubbers, or chalk markers, as this will  damage the rake, pitching rubbers, home plate, pull out chalk markers. 

Raise all drags BEFORE exiting the infield. Always return field maintainer to bunker and lock doors.

Sprinkler Systems

Sprinkler systems are installed on all four fields. Please ask a board member to assist with all sprinkler systems, when needed.



Class A Teams will be a part of the Association. A Class “A” team that is not registered will not be allowed to use the Association name, fields, or claim any connection to same. In order for the league to sanction an “A” Team it must adhere to the following guidelines.

SECTION 1   Class “A” Tournament teams will be sanctioned annually by the Association with Board Approved managers. Sanction fee for the year will be determined annually by the Board.

SECTION 2   Managers hand pick players. Class “A” (Select) teams are not allowed to recruit girls who are actively involved with an RRGSA league team. This includes Spring Season, All-Stars, Fall Season and any Winter Ball rosters.
                   This includes in-person, phone calls, emails, text, and any form of social media. Failure to abide may result in forfeiture of sanctioning.

SECTION 3   Registration fees for Class A Tournament teams will be determined annually by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 4   Players that participate on a Class A team may not be eligible to play on any Class B or Class C (All Star) Tournament Teams, but may play league ball.

SECTION 5   All tournament fees, traveling expenses, uniforms, and equipment expenses are borne by the player’s and their parents.

SECTION 6   The Association will provide Class A teams with practice fields. All practice times will be scheduled through the Association Scheduler.

SECTION 7   Each Class A team will be insured under all Association insurance policies after an ASA registration roster has been submitted and all applicable league fees have been paid in full.

SECTION 8   Each Class A team will have the opportunity to request use of the complex to host two fund raising tournaments annually. All dates must be approved by the Board.

SECTION 9   Each Class A Tournament team will have the same responsibilities as any league team including, but not limited to, participation in field and complex maintenance.

SECTION 10  Within 21 days of completion of a tournament, the hosting “A” team must submit documentation to the Board, in such format that is acceptable to the Board, along with any fees owed.

SECTION 11  If any Class A team is considered to have violated any of our by-laws or other rules and regulations of the Association, the Board shall have the right to either temporarily or permanently revoke the Manager’s sanction and the Class A team’s affiliation with the league. In such case no fees shall be returned to the team and all team funds deposited with the league shall be forfeited.

SECTION 12 Sanction periods is respective September 1st thru August 31st the following year.

SECTION 13  All currently sanctioned RRGSA “A” teams and any new potential “A” team candidates requesting sanctioning by RRGSA must submit player/parent commitment letters in person by the Team Manager at time of sanctioning for at least 7 committed players to be eligible for sanctioning by RRGSA.

SECTION 14  All teams sanctioned at the August board meeting must have full payment, full roster and completion of registration forms to the RRGSA Treasurer per above by October 1st. Failure to pay on time will result in RRGSA sanction being revoked. Should new players be added after this date, form needs to be completed and emailed to RRGSA Select Team Representative. Extensions past October 1st are allowed if agreed upon by the Executive Board.

SECTION 15  All players must be registered thru the RRGSA. No player(s) shall use RRGSA equipment and/or field that are not registered.

SECTION 16  All A-team coaches must abide by rules regarding team fund raising and the use of such funds to include the proper use of the RRGSA Tax ID number. Copy of sponsor/donation form must be approved by the league treasurer before distributing for collections. All Sponsor checks must be made payable to RRGSA and deposited into the league account. The reason for this is because you are using the RRGSA 501 (c) (3) non-profit status. Failure to follow proper procedure can cause RRGSA to lose their 501 (c) (3) status. All sponsor money, money collected, donated, raised, etc. must be used for players and coaches only. It can be used to purchase equipment, uniforms, pay hotel expenses, meals for girls and coaches (NO ALCOHOL), tournament fees and hitting/pitching lessons. It cannot be used to cover meals for parents, team parties, entertainment, or anything along those lines. You can use the tax number to purchase items such as equipment and uniforms and save the sale tax. You can also use the number at Texas hotels and save on room tax. Do not use for personal use. Misuse of the RRGSA 501c3 information for any other item(s) noted above could result in a loss of sanction. Further, failure to post any and all sponsor/fundraising monies thru the league account will result in a loss of sanction and suspension from league.

SECTION 17 Financials are due NO LATER THAN THE END OF THE FIRST WEEK IN AUGUST each year. The board may request receipt and proof of financials at any time. They should always be made available for any parent on your team that may ask to see them. Part of the 501 (c) (3) statuses is that all books must be open to the public. You cannot deny a parent from knowing the financials. When an “A” Team disbands, you need to notify the Select Team Representative and the Treasurer as soon as possible. You will still be sanctioned until August 31st of the respective sanction period and at that time, your final financials along with any left over money will be due to RRGSA.

SECTION 18 Each A-team coach must read, understand and follow the by-laws of RRGSA. Any failure to adhere to these guidelines could result in loss of practice time, coaching privileges, and/or permanent suspension from RRGSA. Team Manager should ensure that all coaches, parents and players understand these as well. He/She will be held accountable for the actions of the entire team.

SECTION 19 All A-teams will have the opportunity to host fund raising tournament(s) at the RRGSA Complex. The Select Team Representative will keep the calendar and requested dates must be approved by the Board. A fee of $10.00 dollars per team will be due to RRGSA per tournament within 10 days of event close. Field dry is available for teams at a cost of $10.00 per bag. Teams are responsible for providing all paper products for tournament. No one under the age of 16 is to drive any of the field equipment at any time.

SECTION 20  Prior to tournament start, head coach and a RRGSA representative will walk the complex. At that time, team will submit a deposit of $250.00 for damages. At conclusion of tournament, a walk through will be repeated and should no damages be reported, deposit check will be returned to team. Any and all damage to equipment, buildings, use of field dry and failure to clean park will be taken out of this deposit.

SECTION 21  All rules and regulations set forth by the RRGSA must be followed. It is the team manager/head coach’s duty to inform all assistants of these guidelines and codes of conduct. When batting, ALL batters must have a helmet on their head, regardless of the type of ball being used. Bat in hand, Helmet on head – always. Please communicate this to ALL coaches and players.

SECTION 22 Misconduct by any A team coach or assistant such as being thrown out of 3 or more games in one season may result in suspension for the remainder of the season and/or review by the RRGSA Board.

SECTION 23  Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while involved with the team results in permanent suspension as a coach.

SECTION 24  Violating the posted practice schedule will forfeit your next practice at RRGSA. Use of another team’s field MUST be approved with the RRGSA Scheduler, President, or Vice President by the head coach prior to usage. Any and all additional practice days must be approved and communicated thru the RRGSA Scheduler.

SECTION 25  RRGSA appreciates your support and pride in our organization and complex. Failure to abide by the RRGSA by-laws may result in the loss of sanctioning for reminder of season. A quarterly meeting will be setup with each sanctioned coach to review and discuss any issues, ideas or comments.



SECTION 1   Tournament teams are selected via try-out. Starting with players from 6U Division through 14U.

SECTION 2    Each player will pay an all-star registration fee, which will be determined by the Board annually.

SECTION 3   Managers and Assistant Coaches are eligible to manage an all-star team. The managers of the same division will rate the players at all-star tryouts, including their daughter(s).

SECTION 4   Parent/Player commitment letters must be turned in before being allowed to attend all-star tryouts. The player must participate in 60% of their teams regular season games to be eligible for all-star play. (rev. 2/17)

SECTION 5   All-Star Tryouts will be invitational only from each manager per their respective division. (rev. 2/17)

SECTION 6   Managers give their list of recommended all-star's to the Player Agent at the initial Blue Manager selection meeting. The compiled list from all managers per division will determine who is invited to the all-star tryout. (rev.2/17)

SECTION 7   The managers per division will vote for and select the Blue Team manager at a meeting approximately 3/4 of the season through. One vote allowed per team. Official date and time will be determined by the Executive Board. During this initial meeting the coaches will nominate the Gold Team manager if there is enough interest from coaches and if the division has the pitching and catching talent. A follow up second meeting of the managers will vote on the Gold manager being selected. (rev.2/17)

SECTION 8   If a manager needs to add a player to the invitational list after the initial meeting they must do so through the Executive Board. (rev. 2/17)

SECTION 9   Additional teams may be formed per division but will not be considered an all-star team. They will be considered a tournament team and will pay their own way. (rev.2/17)

SECTION 10  There will be no fewer than 11 and no more than 14 players on a Tournament team.

SECTION 11  The all-star manager may select 3 to 4 coaches based on board approval.

SECTION 12 The all-star tournament team can participate in various tournaments in the greater Houston area.

SECTION 13  They will participate in the Texas State Tournament and upon qualifying, the National Tournament.

SECTION 14 The Association will provide Tournament fees for the State, Regional, and National Tournaments for all RRGSA all-star Teams. Uniforms for all RRGSA all-star Teams will be selected and provided by the Association, the cost of which will be reimbursed to the league by each respective team.

SECTION 15 Traveling expenses for their families and parents will be borne by the   parents.

SECTION 16 Outside play, including practices cannot interfere with league play.

SECTION 17  The President or Treasurer must be notified of all fundraising events held by an all-star team and such activity will be approved by the Board. These funds will be accounted separately for each all-star team. All teams or individual expenditures must be in full compliance with the current IRS tax codes, and conform to rules and regulations that may from time to time be established by the Board, so as not to jeopardize the Association’s non-profit status. The team will be responsible for submitting all fund-raising receipts for expenditures to the treasurer immediately. All excess funds will revert to the general fund of the Association at the end of the tournament season which is August 1st.

SECTION 18  All Star Team Managers and or treasurers will be required to maintain an accurate receipt of all funds collected (parent monies, sponsorship, fund- raising, expenses etc.) during the duration of tournament play. An accurate balance sheet is to be sent once a week to every parent of that all-star team and a copy is also to be sent to the league treasurer.


Dates and times for all-star tryouts will be determined annually by the Board.


Any all-star candidate must attend tryouts. The division representative can only grant excused absences with the approval from the Executive Board based on a case by
case basis with at least 24 hours’ notice given. Excused absences need to be a doctor’s written excuse or a note from the parent due to a death in the family and submitted to the division representative 24 hours prior to the tryout date.

Pitcher and catcher tryouts will be scheduled separate to general tryouts and will be scored independently. Initially, the pitchers will throw to a parent approximately ten pitches. They will be evaluated as a group at this time. Next the catchers will catch 5 to 10 pitches from a pitcher and the pitchers will rotate so that each catcher has the chance to catch each pitcher trying out. The catcher will then take their position behind the plate and catch a ball tossed by a parent and throw down to second base 3 times to a tryout volunteer.


Selection of all-star teams shall be determined by each respective division’s managers and elected Head Coach; the process will be as follows:

6U and 8U:

The approved All Star coach for the 6U and 8U Blue Team would be given the top ranked eight (#1-8) players and the approved all-star coach would then choose 3 to 6 more girls from the remaining pool of players including players with an Executive Board approved excused absence. A team must have a minimum of 11 players and no more than 14 players maximum. Any successive teams would be selected by the division’s managers and the elected head coach in order to field as many teams as talent and coaching allows.

10U, 12U,14U:

The approved all-star blue team coach for each specific age group will be given the #1 and #2 ranked pitcher and the #1 ranked catcher. From the overall rankings the coach will be given the top 7 players and then allowed to choose 4 to 7 players from the remaining pool of players including players with an Executive Board approved excused absence. A team will have no more than 14 player’s maximum. Any successive teams would be selected by the division managers and the elected head coach in order to field as many teams as talent, pitching and coaching allows with the direction and final approval being made by the Division Representative and Executive Board.
 (i.e. Pitchers/Catchers)


All-star teams shall compete in a breakout tournament called the Gulf Coast Championship. At this tournament the district commissioner Mike Rychlik, shall determine and approve each all-star team’s classification as a “B” or “C” sanctioned team. The breakout tournament location and date will be announced when determined by ASA Division #43 representatives. The District 43 ASA breakout tournament will establish the classification of B or C to determine which state tournament that team is eligible to play within.


  • All-star fee is determined annually by the board and is a cost by the parent per player. This registration fee will include the purchase of (2) full uniforms.
  • League dues must be paid in full and have a zero balance to be eligible for all stars.
  • If you have a 6U, 8U, or 10U player that is age eligible to play down a division then you must make that decision before trying out. Try outs for each division will be conducted simultaneously on different fields. There will be no player allowed to try out for multiple all-star divisions. The decision to play on that age division must be made prior to taking a field.
  • RRGSA pays the entry fee for the ASA State tournament per team in each division.
  • League approved Coach should submit All-Star Coach application indicating their interest to coach an All-star team along with written qualifications to their division representative. This application is posted under forms and documents on the webpage.
  • Must be ASA ACE certified.
  • Coach Nominees to be nominated by the Executive Board and division representative and will be approved by RRGSA Board.
  • Approved players, parents and coaches shall follow and sign the established all-star guidelines.
  • All potential all-star selections MUST put their league team duties FIRST. This includes all practices and games as all-star and league practice will overlap for about two weeks. If a player does not show for her league practices and games then that child will be removed from her all-star team. It is a league first mentality until the regular season is completed.

NOTE: If a player chooses to leave an all-star team that player forfeits All-star play and All-Star fee for that season. No Refund.


The selection process set forth may be subject to change as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.



SECTION 1   All protests will be handled by the Grievance Committee.
Their decisions will be final and may not be overruled by the Board of Directors or any officer of RRGSA.

SECTION 2   Playing rule protests will be per ASA rules and procedures. The protest must be in writing and filed within 48 hours to the League Commissioner.

SECTION 3   The opposing manager will be given the opportunity to respond in writing to the Grievance Committee before a decision can be reached. He will be given 48 hours from notification of a protest to respond.

SECTION 4   Judgment calls cannot be protested.


ARTICLE X: Make-up Games

SECTION 1 Make-up games consist of games missed due to weather conditions, or severe situation, which causes the league/division commissioner to cancel a scheduled game(s). 

SECTION 2 The commissioner of each league / division along with the scheduler must reschedule make-up games at the next open slot that is available to both teams. The scheduler shall notify the commissioner and managers involved no later than 48 hours prior to the rescheduled game.



If 2 teams tie in league standings, the below tiebreakers will be used:

Tiebreaker 1: Head to Head Record
Tiebreaker 2: Total Runs Allowed
Tiebreaker 3: Total Runs Scored

If 3 or more teams tie in league standings, the below tiebreakers will be used:

Tiebreaker 1:Total Runs Allowed
Tiebreaker 2: Total Runs Scored


ARTICLE XII: Sportsmanship

SECTION 1 Negative Cheering and Behavior: While RRGSA encourages positive cheering supportive of team play, negative cheering directed at or to distract the opposing players or team will not be tolerated. The Umpire or Director-in-Charge is empowered to declare a forfeit, if necessary, after a team has been given a warning. A manager or coach ejected from the game for failing to enforce League Standard of Conduct Rules must come before the RRGSA Board of Directors at their next monthly meeting. Failure to appear shall result in immediate dismissal from the league.



(No amendments to bylaws)


Rose Rich Girls Softball Association
P.O. Box 1780 
Richmond, Texas 77469

Email: [email protected]

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