SECTION 1 A) An official association meeting shall be defined as one for which one-week public notice has been given. The President shall schedule meetings of the association. The President shall preside over all Board and Association meetings. In his/her absence, the Vice-President shall preside. In their absence, the Secretary shall be the presiding officer. The first annual membership meeting of the association shall be no later than the first Tuesday in November. The last general meeting shall be no later than September 30.
B) There shall be a board meeting at least once a month in the off season and beginning bi-weekly, two weeks prior to the initial week of regular play. The President, at his or her discretion, may call an interim Board meeting as needed.
SECTION 2 The Secretary shall notify all Board members of the time and place of regular and called meetings. This must be done in writing, email, or by phone at least 24 hours in advance.
SECTION 3 Following elections of officers, the Association’s first order of business shall be to review and amend if necessary the Letter of Intent, Constitution, and by-laws. Such amendments require a 2/3 majority vote of the attending membership by February 1st of each year.
SECTION 4 There will be no less than two persons counting votes for officer elections.
SECTION 5 In the event of any vote, the President has no vote except in the case of a tie.
SECTION 6 Directors Meeting
Directors meetings shall be open to Association members. Other parties may attend at the invitation of the President. Members and such other parties permitted to attend may address the Directors if so scheduled by the Secretary or so resolved by a majority vote of the Directors.
The regular meeting of the Directors shall be held the second Wednesday of each month at a time and place (within Fort Bend County) fixed by the President or the Executive Vice President in his/her absence. Regular meetings scheduled on a holiday shall be held the following Wednesday unless otherwise approved by a majority vote of the Directors. Regular meetings of the Directors may be re-scheduled on an as needed basis by a majority vote of the Directors.
SECTION 7 Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Directors may be called by the President or the Executive Vice President in his/her absence, or by any three (3) Directors at a time and place (within Fort Bend County) fixed by the President or the Executive Vice President in his/her absence. Forty-eight hours (48) prior notice to the Directors of any special meeting shall be required. Only a reasonable attempt at notice, by the Secretary or other Director(s) so appointed by the President, shall be required. Notice may be oral or written, by voice mail or facsimile. Special meetings of the Directors may be held with less than forty-eight hours (48) prior notice.
SECTION 8 Closed Sessions
At any time during the course of a meeting the President may declare a “closed session” and all persons, other than Directors, shall be required to leave the meeting. Directors who may be the subject of the session may also be requested by the President to leave the meeting.
SECTION 9 Voting
(a) Quorum
A quorum shall consist of those Directors who convene for the purpose of conducting new business that has been placed on the agenda prior to a duly constituted meeting. Any Director may request either the President or Secretary to place an item of new business on the agenda up to twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting; except that any business not so placed on the agenda shall not be considered unless fifty percent (50%) of those Directors entitled to vote are in attendance or as otherwise specified in these bylaws.
A Director who is present at a meeting but departs during the meeting shall not be considered present for the purpose of determining the existence of a quorum, as defined herein, subsequent to the departure of that Director.
(c) Secret Ballot
Any Director may request a secret ballot on any vote. Secret ballots cast shall be counted by the Secretary, Executive Vice President or, in their absence, one (1) or more Directors appointed by the President. The results of the vote shall be entered into the minutes; except that the actual vote count shall not.
(d) Casting Votes
All Directors shall have one (1) vote on matters on which they are entitled to vote as specified by these bylaws; except that a Director may not cast his/her vote in any matter involving him/herself except during the General Election or the election of Directors.
(e) Majority Vote
All matters concerning policy of the RRGSA shall be decided by a vote of the Directors and no motion shall carry without a majority vote unless so noted in these bylaws.
(f) Reconsideration
A motion to reconsider a previous vote or action taken may be introduced to permit correction of a hasty, ill-advised or erroneous action under the following circumstances:
(i) A minimum of three (3) Directors must submit a written request for reconsideration to the President, or the Director serving in his/her absence, within five (5) days following the date of the meeting during which the motion was initially voted on or action addressed. The Directors making such a request may not include those Directors who initiated or seconded a defeated motion.
(ii) The President, or Director serving in his/her absence, may convene a special meeting of the Board or table the request for reconsideration until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board. Pursuant to Article X, section 7, any three (3) Directors may request that a special meeting be convened.
(iii) Any motion or action reconsidered or any motion or action that addresses similar issues, regardless of the outcome, may not again be considered for a minimum of six (6) months from the date of the last debate on the motion or action.
SECTION 10 Misconduct
(a) Suspension
The President (or the Director serving in his/her place during the President’s absence or if the President is the subject of the misconduct) may temporarily suspend from any participation in any RRGSA affairs, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, any RRGSA member, player, parent, coach, volunteer, Director, or other person for misconduct as may, from time to time, be defined by the Board of Directors. The suspension shall remain in effect for up to thirty (30) days pending review of the misconduct by the Directors as noted herein. The Secretary will notify any individual so suspended in writing within five (5) calendar days following such suspension.
(b) Review of Misconduct
The misconduct of a suspended member, player, parent, coach, volunteer, Director, or the Directors in a regular or special meeting called for that purpose should review other person. Such meeting will be convened within thirty (30) days from the effective date of the suspension. The offending party shall be allowed to address the Directors either in person or in writing.
(c) Removal
The Directors, by a two-thirds (2/3s) vote of the existing board acting at any duly constituted meeting, with notice at least during the previous regular or special meeting, shall have the authority to remove any Director who elects to serve on the board, coaches a team for or recruits players on behalf of another girls softball league or whose conduct is considered detrimental to the best interest of the Association or any manager, coach, player, parent, volunteer or other person whose conduct is considered detrimental to the best interest of the Association.
The Secretary will notify any individual so removed in writing within five (5) calendar days following such removal.
(d) Duration of Removal
For the first offense, the offending individual may be barred from all Association activity for a period up to two (2) years. A second offense will result in a permanent ban from all Association activities.
(e) Involuntary Resignation
A Director missing two (2) consecutive regular meetings, without providing advance notice by either leaving a message on the league voice mail or by posting an e-mail message with the league pursuant to established communication guidelines, or any Director absent from six (6) regularly scheduled Board meetings in any given twelve (12) month period following the date the Board establishes for elections, will be considered to have submitted his/her formal resignation.