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Rose Rich Girls Softball Association

Rose Rich Girls Softball Association

Table of Contents

 Article   I  NAME 
 Article III TERM

By-Laws last updated and approved on January 28th, 2025.

Article I: NAME

This organization shall be known as the ROSE-RICH GIRLS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION, INC. also and herein after known as the RRGSA.



The objectives of this association shall be to provide the sport of softball to girls, to teach them to work as a team, and to learn sportsmanship.  Managers shall enforce good safety practices and strongly encourage sportsmanship, especially by example.

The current year's ASA/USA OFFICIAL GUIDE, as published by the Amateur Softball Association of America, 2081 NE 50th Street, PO Box 11436, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111-7203, shall be the official rules of the RRGSA.

Should the current Association membership fail to act on the local rules prior to February 1st, those rules adopted during the previous year shall remain in effect.

This constitution or any section thereof may be amended or replaced by two-thirds majority vote of the attending membership prior to February 1st of any given year.


Article III: Term

The period of duration for RRGSA is perpetual.



Voting on any question or in an election may be shown by hands, roll call, or voice unless the presiding officer shall order that voting is by written ballot. A special vote by email or group message may occur under special circumstances. 


The governing body of the Association shall be a minimum seven member  Board of Directors (hereinafter known as the Board) consisting of the Association President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Player Agent, Equipment Director, Division (Commissioners) Representatives, Concessions, Scheduling, Auxiliary, Field Maintenance, Advertising, and Uniforms.  If a member should be unable to complete his/her term of office, the Board, at the first opportunity, shall appoint a replacement.

SECTION 1: Vacancy
  Any Director may resign by filing a written resignation with the President. 

●        (a) Vacancy by the President 
If for any reason a vacancy shall occur in the Office of President, the Executive Vice President shall fill such vacancy until the Board of Directors can hold an election. In the case of a vacancy by both the President and Executive Vice President, the Office of President shall be filled by the Vice President, Secretary, or Player Agent in that order. 

●        (b) Vacancy by a Director 
A vacancy by a Director will be filled via election by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The person so elected shall serve for the remainder of the one (1) term of the position he/she filled. An eligible member of the Association via election by the members of the Association will fill the vacant position thereafter.



The membership of the Association will consist of the Board, Team Managers, Coaches and any parent or other interested party. The voting membership of the Association will consist of the Board of Directors.

An individual may not participate in RRGSA recreational play (Division “A” Team play exempted) if such individual is currently playing on a team for another softball association. Such individual may petition the RRGSA for membership approval, which may be granted by a majority vote of the Directors. 

The Directors shall establish membership fees and other assessments, and the method of payment on an semi-annual basis for the spring, fall and all-star seasons. Such fees shall be payable during the registration period designated by the Directors during each fiscal year. 

SECTION 2: Refunds 
The Directors shall have the authority to initiate the decision to issue  fee refunds on a case-by-case basis. The member seeking such refund will so inform the Division Representatives in writing and the Division Representative(s) will render its decision on a case-by-case basis. The Secretary shall inform the member of the Association’s decision within five (5) calendar days. If a refund is forthcoming, it shall be issued within thirty (30) days of the Association’s decision.

SECTION 3: Age Groups 
A member player, desiring to participate in recreational play, shall play in one of the following age groups:
(a) T-Ball (3-4 years)
(b) 6U 
(c) 8U 
(d) 10U 
(e) 12U 
(f) 14U 

The player’s age group shall be based on the player’s age as September 1st of a given year. Said date shall be consistent with the date established by national organization(s) with which the RRGSA may be affiliated with.

A member player may choose to play in a lower or higher age group, but only with approval from the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have the authority to re-designate the Association’s age groups and/or the basis for determining the qualifying age. 

SECTION 4: Team Assignments 
The Executive Board, with recommendations from the Division Directors, from time to time shall decide the method(s) used to form teams for players in all age groups to include players involved with recreational, all-star and A-teams.

SECTION 5: Accountability 
All such committees, standing or special, shall be answerable to the Executive Board and, upon request, shall report to the Executive Board and shall take no action unless the same be authorized by the Executive Board unless otherwise delegated by these bylaws. 

SECTION 6: Conflict of Interest 
Any committee member, be it a standing or special committee, deemed by the President to have a conflict of interest will be substituted for by a Director appointed by the President. The President shall not serve on any committee (standing or special) if, via a majority vote of the Directors, it is deemed a conflict of interest exists as to the President.



  1.         President

  2.         Vice-President

  3.         Secretary

  4.         Treasurer

  5.          Player Representative (Agent)

  6.         Division Representatives (Commissioners) - 1 per Division

  7.         Equipment Director

  8.         Field Maintenance Director

  9.         Concession Director

  10.      Team Sponsors Director

  11.      Corporate Sponsorships Director

  12.      Auxiliary (Team Mom) Director

  13.      Scheduling/Tournament Director

  14.       Website Director (Webmaster)

  15.      Uniform Director

  16.      Select Team Director

  17.      Social Media Director



SECTION 1 Election: The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Player Agent elected in shall be known as the Executive Committee. 

SECTION 2 Authority: The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility of carrying out the plans of the Board, and to act in behalf of the Board in matters of urgent necessity where a lack of time precludes calling a full Board meeting. All business transacted by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board at the next regularly held meeting and included in the minutes. 

SECTION 3 Meeting: The Executive Committee shall meet as often as necessary to conduct the business of the program. 

SECTION 4 Grievances: The Executive Committee will address protest or grievances properly filed according to ASA and RRGSA rules, by selecting a grievance committee. This committee shall consist of one umpire, one commissioner, and one manager from a division other than the division in which the protest occurred. The Grievance Committee will meet and resolve the grievance within 7 days from the date the commissioner received the official grievance. Findings of the Grievance Committee will be reported as soon as possible to the Executive Committee and a report given at the next regular scheduled general membership board meeting. 

SECTION 5 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the review of the end of the year financial statements and tax preparations.



The following officers comprise the Association’s Board of Directors and are collectively responsible for coordinating all functions of the softball program. The RRGSA shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of at least two-thirds of the members which include the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Player Agent, Equipment, Division Representatives, Scheduling, Auxiliary, Field Maintenance, Advertising and Uniforms, and Website Director. 

All of whom shall be elected by the association membership during the month of June at the monthly RRGSA board meeting for following year (12 months). 

    1. The President is the presiding officer of all association and board meetings. He/she is the coordinator of the entire softball program; and, as such, he/she may delegate duties and divide responsibilities among Board members or appointees as deemed necessary.
    2. The President shall be the officiating representative of the Association and acts as the liaison between the Association and any other group, including ASA, TAAF, ISF, CGSA, USSSA, USFA and especially the cities of Richmond and Rosenberg.
    3. The President will make certain that all business is in order at the end of his/her term and that information is turned over to the incoming President.
    4. The President may sign, with other properly authorized officer(s), any contacts or other agreements which the Board of Directors have authorized to be executed.
    5. The President will have financial authorization to co-sign checks related to purchass for, or on behalf, of RRGSA.
    1. The Vice-President will assist the President in all duties and act on his/her behalf when he/she is unable to fulfill the responsibilities for the office.
    2. The Vice President will have financial authorization to co-sign checks related to purchase for, or on behalf of RRGSA.
    1. It is the obligation of the Secretary to assist the President in all matters.
    2. The Secretary is responsible for supplying meeting agendas, notices, and for recording and filing minutes of all Association and Board meetings. He/she is responsible for recording amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.
    3. All secretarial records and correspondence are to be maintained in a permanent file and copies are to be provided to the President.
    4. The Secretary is responsible for coordinating registration and tryout sessions and for maintaining all records pertaining to player registration. He/she is to prepare tryout lists and draft lists, which include player age, sister status, and other such pertinent information.
    5. The Secretary is to renew insurance and ASA registration following the current season’s draft and turn all information over to the district representative by the requested date.
    6. It is the duty of the Secretary to assist other officers with correspondence and record keeping related to the administration of the total program.
    1. It is the obligation of the Treasurer to assist the President in all matters.
    2. The Treasurer is responsible to maintaining accurate records of all financial transactions of the Association, including the collection and deposit of all monies, the payment of all due accounts, and the notification for sponsor fees and other debts owed to the Association.
    3. The Treasurer shall report quarterly to the Association in September, December, March and June. He/she shall have business in order prior to the August audit. Treasurer must be present during the August audit.
    4. The Treasurer will have financial authorization to co-sign checks related to purchase for, or on behalf of RRSGA.
    5. The Treasurer will keep individual ledger account for all teams sanctioned by RRGSA.
    1. Entering league participants and maintaining player info for ASA software (ASA Approved Software needs to be installed and utilized)
    2. The Player Agent will be responsible for furnishing a roster to the Division Representatives of all girls’ evaluation in their respective division. This should occur immediately after the last registration date.
    3. Help assist division reps with issues concerning players and attend player selection meeting for league and All Stars.
    4. Main point of contact for All Star Managers and Support
    5. The Player Agent will place all the late signers on teams with the earliest openings. The team with the fewest number of players will receive the first late registration player and so on. The Player agent shall notify the Division Director(s) of the added player(s) to a team. The Manager will also be notified of his/her new player.
    6. The Player Agent will oversee the Draft. The Draft shall be prepared by the Player Agent. This must be ready for review by managers upon approval of the draft.
    1. The Division Representative shall keep up with his/her teams scores and standings within their divisions.
    2. Each Division Representative is responsible for reporting to the league webmaster and/or scorekeeper to report scores weekly.
    3. Each Division Representative shall attend a minimum of one complete practice session of each team in his/her division during preseason and report to the Board his/her team evaluation whether a team might need assistance in any way. If assistance is needed he/she, with the help of the Board, will see that assistance is provided for that team.
    4. A Division Representative may not be associated with any team in his/her division as manager or coach or have a daughter within the division.
    5. The Division Representative shall assist managers and coaches as needed in preparation for the State Tournament.
    6. The Division Representative is responsible for overseeing the tryout process for their respective division, unless other RRGSA Board approved arrangements are made.
    7. The Division Representative will enforce compliance with the Bylaws and Playing Rules and Regulations.
    8. Division Representatives will obtain and maintain complete team rosters for the Player Agent.
    9. The Division Representative will serve as arbitrator for any protest. All protests must be submitted in writing to the Division Representative. The division Representative will present the protest to the Executive Board for ruling.
    10. Evaluations:
      1. The Division Representative will furnish each manager with names and tryout numbers of all girls in their division before tryouts.
      2. Each Division Representative is responsible for acquiring the equipment and planning the program of his/her draft division.
      3. The Division Representative may solicit help from the existing teams or volunteers to help with the evaluations and all-star tryouts.
    11. The Division Representative will perform, in general, all duties incidental to the office of Division Representative and such other duties as from time to time assigned to him/her by the President or by the Executive Board.
    1. Equipment Director will be responsible for purchasing and distributing all playing equipment necessary to each manager for each division, and will collect all equipment at the end of the playing seasons.
    2. The Equipment Director will have the right to form committees to assist him/her in his/her duties.
    1. The Maintenance Director will be in charge of overall maintenance of RRGSA buildings, concession building, restrooms, and offices, as will assist with field maintenance.
    2. Responsible for getting the fields ready to play after the rain.
    3. Responsible for maintaining supplies for all the fields. (QuckDry, Chalk, Paint, Weedkiller)
    4. The Maintenance Director will ensure all maintenance equipment is in good working condition.  He/She has the right to form a committee to assist.
    1. Responsible for purchasing equipment and supplies needed in the concession stand.
    2. Responsible for developing a schedule of workers for the season.
    3. Concession director will have the right to form committees, to assist in the operation of the concession stand.
    4. Responsible for working with Treasurer to establish process for verifying Concession Stand Monies on a routine basis.
    1. Responsible for handling all league sponsors including keeping record of team sponsors and all level sponsors.
    2. Responsible for ordering sponsorship signs, team plaques, and thank letters.
    3. Responsible for developing a schedule of workers for the season.
  1. AUXILLARY DIRECTOR (Team Mom Director)
    1. The Auxiliary Director is responsible for coordinating league fundraisers.
    2. Responsible for ordering and selling league merchandise
    3. The Auxiliary Director is responsible for coordinating league pictures.
    4. The Auxiliary Director is responsible for organizing and assisting the team moms for all divisions.
    1. The Scheduler is responsible for generating the practice, game, concession, and   Board Member on Duty for both Fall and Spring seasons (including RRGSA sponsored Tournaments).
    2. The Scheduler will coordinate with the Division Representatives as soon as possible to reschedule any games.
    1. Responsible for all website design and maintenance of league website.
    2. Website Director will send out email blasts and notifications as needed.
    1. Collect and coordinate all uniforms bids and orders for league.
    2. Deliver and hand out all Fall and Spring Uniforms to each teams designated representative.
    1. Select Teams Director will be the main liaison between sanctioned “A” ball teams and RRGSA.
    2. All “A” Ball teams will report to the Select Team Director for team registrations, payments, and notifications
    1. Sponsor and Fundraising Director will be responsible for introducing RRSGA to the local community and its business owners to help raise funds for the general account and acquire team sponsors for our Spring teams.
    2. Responsible for coordinating league fundraisers.
    3. Responsible for coordinating Bingo night, Raffle tickets/items, Parent Tournament and other events.
    4. Responsible for Opening and Closing Ceremonies. (Vendors, Baskets, All Star fundraising)
    5. This position will also advertise and sell the different level of sponsorships available for advertising throughout the RRGSA softball fields.
    6. The Director will have the right to form committees, to assist in fundraising events and to assist vendors with booth purchases during league and district tournaments and fundraising functions.
    7. Own relationship with Dicks Sporting Goods.
    8. Responsible for handling all league sponsors including keeping record of team sponsors and all level sponsors.
    1. Coordinating Board Member on Duty for both Fall and Spring seasons (including RRGSA sponsored Tournaments).
    2. Reminders of upcoming Calendar events (season calendar update, registration, tryouts, picture day, special events, closing ceremonies…)
    3. Partner with local High Schools and students looking for service hours, support social media and/or special projects.
    4. Volunteer Coordinator. Confirm volunteers for inperson registration days, uniform try-ons, tryout sign in, Parent Tournament Volunteers, All Star sign-ins.
    5. Responsible for developing a schedule of workers for the season.




A) An official association meeting shall be defined as one for which one-week public notice has been given. The President shall schedule meetings of the association. The President shall preside over all Board and Association meetings. In his/her absence, the Vice-President shall preside. In their absence, the Secretary shall be the presiding officer. The first annual membership meeting of the association shall be no later than the first Tuesday in September. The last general meeting shall be no later than July 30. 

B) There shall be a board meeting at least once a month in the off season and beginning bi-weekly, two weeks prior to the initial week of regular play. The President, at his or her discretion, may call an interim Board meeting as needed. 

SECTION 2 The Secretary shall notify all Board members of the time and place of regular and called meetings. This must be done in writing, email, or by phone at least 24 hours in advance.

SECTION 3 Following elections of officers, the Association’s first order of business shall be to review and amend if necessary the Letter of Intent, Constitution, and by-laws. Such amendments require a 2/3 majority vote of the attending membership by October 1st of each year.

SECTION 4 There will be no less than two persons counting votes for officer elections.

SECTION 5 In the event of any vote, the President has no vote except in the case of a tie.

SECTION 6 Directors Meeting 

Directors meetings shall be open to Association members, but may convene in Closed Session for portions of those meetings.. Other parties may attend at the invitation of the President. Members and such other parties permitted to attend may address the Directors if so scheduled by the Secretary or so resolved by a majority vote of the Directors. 

The regular meeting of the Directors shall be held as often as twice monthly at a time and place (within Fort Bend County) fixed by the President or the Executive Vice President in his/her absence. Regular meetings scheduled on a holiday shall be held the following day unless otherwise approved by a majority vote of the Directors. Regular meetings of the Directors may be re-scheduled on an as needed basis by a majority vote of the Directors. 

SECTION 7 Special Meetings 

Special meetings of the Directors may be called by the President or the Executive Vice President in his/her absence, or by any three (3) Directors at a time and place (within Fort Bend County) fixed by the President or the Executive Vice President in his/her absence. Forty-eight hours (48) prior notice to the Directors of any special meeting shall be required. Only a reasonable attempt at notice, by the Secretary or other Director(s) so appointed by the President, shall be required. Notice may be oral or written, by voice mail or electronic message.

SECTION 8 Closed Sessions 

At any time during the course of a meeting the President may declare a “closed session” and all persons, other than Directors, shall be required to leave the meeting. Directors who may be the subject of the session may also be requested by the President to leave the meeting.

SECTION 9 Voting
(a) Quorum 

A quorum shall consist of those Directors who convene for the purpose of conducting new business that has been placed on the agenda prior to a duly constituted meeting. Any Director may request either the President or Secretary to place an item of new business on the agenda up to twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting; except that any business not so placed on the agenda shall not be considered unless fifty percent (50%) of those Directors entitled to vote are in attendance or as otherwise specified in these bylaws. 

A Director who is present at a meeting but departs during the meeting shall not be considered present for the purpose of determining the existence of a quorum, as defined herein, subsequent to the departure of that Director.

(c) Secret Ballot 
Any Director may request a secret ballot on any vote. Secret ballots cast shall be counted by the Secretary, Executive Vice President or, in their absence, one (1) or more Directors appointed by the President. The results of the vote shall be entered into the minutes; except that the actual vote count shall not.

(d) Casting Votes 
All Directors shall have one (1) vote on matters on which they are entitled to vote as specified by these bylaws; except that a Director may not cast his/her vote in any matter involving him/herself except during the General Election or the election of Directors.

(e) Majority Vote 
All matters concerning policy of the RRGSA shall be decided by a vote of the Directors and no motion shall carry without a majority vote unless so noted in these bylaws.

(f) Reconsideration 

A motion to reconsider a previous vote or action taken may be introduced to permit correction of a hasty, ill-advised or erroneous action under the following circumstances: 

(i) A minimum of three (3) Directors must submit a written request for reconsideration to the President, or the Director serving in his/her absence, within five (5) days following the date of the meeting during which the motion was initially voted on or action addressed. The Directors making such a request may not include those Directors who initiated or seconded a defeated motion. 

(ii) The President, or Director serving in his/her absence, may convene a special meeting of the Board or table the request for reconsideration until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board. Pursuant to Article X, section 7, any three (3) Directors may request that a special meeting be convened. 

(iii) Any motion or action reconsidered or any motion or action that addresses similar issues, regardless of the outcome, may not again be considered for a minimum of six (6) months from the date of the last debate on the motion or action.

SECTION 10 Misconduct 

(a) Suspension 
The President (or the Director serving in his/her place during the President’s absence or if the President is the subject of the misconduct) may temporarily suspend from any participation in any RRGSA affairs, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, any RRGSA member, player, parent, coach, volunteer, Director, or other person for misconduct as may, from time to time, be defined by the Board of Directors. The suspension shall remain in effect for up to thirty (30) days pending review of the misconduct by the Directors as noted herein. The Secretary will notify any individual so suspended in writing within five (5) calendar days following such suspension.

(b) Review of Misconduct
 The misconduct of a suspended member, player, parent, coach, volunteer, Director, or the Directors in a regular or special meeting called for that purpose should review other person. Such meeting will be convened within thirty (30) days from the effective date of the suspension. The offending party shall be allowed to address the Directors either in person or in writing.

(c) Removal 
The Directors, by a two-thirds (2/3s) vote of the existing board acting at any duly constituted meeting, with notice at least during the previous regular or special meeting, shall have the authority to remove any Director who elects to serve on the board, coaches a team for or recruits players on behalf of another girls softball league or whose conduct is considered detrimental to the best interest of the Association or any manager, coach, player, parent, volunteer or other person whose conduct is considered detrimental to the best interest of the Association. 

The Secretary will notify any individual so removed in writing within five (5) calendar days following such removal. 

(d) Duration of Removal 
For the first offense, the offending individual may be barred from all Association activity for a period up to two (2) years. A second offense will result in a permanent ban from all Association activities. 

(e) Involuntary Resignation 
A Director missing two (2) consecutive regular meetings, without providing advance notice by either leaving a message on the league voice mail or by posting an e-mail message with the league pursuant to established communication guidelines, or any Director absent from six (6) regularly scheduled Board meetings in any given twelve (12) month period following the date the Board establishes for elections, will be considered to have submitted his/her formal resignation.



SECTION 1 The Board shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of the   
Association and it shall be permanent policy to place all income derived from concession sales, sponsorship fees, advertisement, and city-wide fund drives into the Treasury. The Board shall direct expenditures in a matter that gives no team or division an advantage.

SECTION 2 The assets of the Association, upon dissolution of the organization, shall be  
transferred to another organization of like benevolent and tax exempt   status. 

SECTION 3 All funds collected or equipment purchased in the name of the league or 
       Association shall be considered the property of the RRGSA.

SECTION 4 No Equipment shall be purchased by any person without approval of the 
Board. Any loan required for the purchase of equipment shall be made only in the name of the Association.
Income received shall be turned over to the Treasurer of the RRGSA for deposit. Payments of all bills, salaries or other liabilities shall be paid by the Treasurer.



SECTION 1 Authority: Managers shall administer and direct their team in accordance with the RRGSA Rules and objectives, and shall be accountable to the league/division commissioner (Player Agent or Division Representative) and the Board. 

SECTION 2 Conduct: The Manager shall be solely responsible for the conduct of his/her team and its' followers. 

SECTION 3 Coach: The coach will help the manager and assume the manager's duties and responsibilities in his/her absence. 

SECTION 4 Age Requirements: All managers and coaches must be at least 21 years of age to manage any team with RRGSA. The Board may approve special circumstances.

SECTION 5 Selection:

A. Managers/coaches shall be appointed by action of the Board based on written application from the Manager/coach candidates and results of a basic criminal background check. Each candidate will be considered on an individual basis and vote may be taken by secret ballot 

B.   Managers may select up to 2 persons to serve as coaches; with one coach to be selected after the team’s roster is completed. Those selected are required to submit a coach’s application form to the Board for approval. EXCEPTION: Division A and Postseason All-Star Teams managers will be allowed to select up to three (3) coaches. 

C. All managers and coaches will be required to obtain an ASA approved licensure and maintain it for the duration of the season. 

SECTION 6 Removal: To remove any manager or coach, with or without cause, requires a majority vote of the Board of RRGSA members present at a regular or called meeting, where a quorum is present. 

SECTION 7 Equipment: A $25.00 deposit will be required of all managers and / or coaches when they are issued their equipment. The manager and or coach will return all equipment issued to them at the conclusion of the Fall/Spring season at a date set by the Equipment Chairperson. Failure to do so will result in the manager and or coach forfeiting their $25.00 deposit, being barred from further participation in RRGSA and a suspension from managing or coaching the following year. Exception: Managers may retain equipment if manager’s team qualifies for post season. Equipment must then be turned in within (10) days after championship play concludes. 

SECTION 8 Clinics: All managers and coaches registered with RRGSA must attend the Following: 

A. All managers and all coaches MUST attend the RRGSA or ASA coaching clinic. All managers and all coaches from each team must successfully pass the ASA ACE (Achieve/Certify/Educate) certification course and present a copy to the league Vice-President prior to opening day. 

B. Managers or coaches who do not comply with SECTION 8(A) will not be allowed to vote for post season team selection or participate as a postseason manager/coach. 



SECTION 1 Managers/coaches must display good conduct at all times. They should  
refrain from arguing with each other, umpires, or league officials in the presence of players or parents.

SECTION 2 No manager/coach shall use any derogatory remarks toward any girls. The use of profanity is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. 

SECTION 3 No person may carry or conceal any form of weapon onto the playing field.

SECTION 4 The use of alcohol or tobacco in any form on the playing field is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN and smoking is not allowed anywhere in the RRGSA complex.

SECTION 5 No manager/coach shall verbally or physically attack any official assigned to his/her game during or following such game. He may at any time during or after play request information relative to a call or play, with the umpire’s permission.

SECTION 6 Managers/coaches shall not teach girls unethical playing practices.

SECTION 7 Managers/coaches and parents may not offer monetary incentive to officials or players.

SECTION 8 Every manager/coach must instill the spirit to win, but above all, they should teach GOOD SPORTSMANSHP, whether the team wins or loses.

SECTION 9 Every manager/coach must see that players at practices and games use all necessary safety equipment.

SECTION 10 Every team must have two representatives for Annual Field Clean Up Day from each team. Sign in is required at the event. Lack of participation will lead to the team manager being suspended one game of the season other than opening day.

SECTION 11 Disciplinary action for a manager/coach will consist of 1st offense warning by the President. 2nd offense will consist of a meeting with the board. 3rd offense is subject up to and including REMOVAL from the league.


SECTION 1  Any grievance against an umpire, official, manager or coach, player, board member or any other individual(s) involved in the program should be described in written detail and submitted to the Board via the appropriate Division Representative within two weeks.

SECTION 2 A person will be notified of a grievance filed against him/her. That person has the right to read or hear the grievance and also has the right to know how the Board, as a whole, votes on the grievance.


SECTION 1 All managers and assistants will be required to acquire competent knowledge of ASA Official Rules and the Association’s policies. They will also be ASA ACE (Achieve/Certify/Educate) certification course and present a copy to the Association Vice-President prior to opening day.

SECTION 2 Managers and assistants who violate or disregard any of the rules and regulations contained in the Association By-laws will be subject to review and disciplinary action by the Board as described in Article X Section 10 as well as Article XII.

SECTION 3 Managers and assistants are required to personally be involved in the training of each team member; and all girls, regardless of ability, must be encouraged to remain involved in the program.

SECTION 4 Every girl is REQUIRED to start and complete TWO of the first FOUR innings of play on defense.

SECTION 5 League Treasurer will be responsible for notifying the players parents of unpaid registration fees. All registration fees must be paid and collected prior to the first league game. A player may not participate in league play until her fees are paid.

SECTION 6 All protests concerning any part of the game will be submitted in accordance with ASA or Association Rules, to the Association. The Board will rule on all protests.

SECTION 7 Managers are responsible for making sure that their team is sponsored for the season. This includes ensuring that the sponsor fee is paid. A manager may receive assistance from the Division Representative or the Board. The fee must be turned over to the Treasurer for deposit.

SECTION 8 Managers are responsible for turning in a list of needed playing and protective equipment to the Equipment Manager. Each manager is charged with the responsibility of keeping up with the equipment issued to his/her team. All equipment is the property of the Association and must be returned and accounted for at the end of the season.

SECTION 9 It is the responsibility of the manager to notify all players and their parents of Association activities, including but not limited to fundraising, photographs, and opening/closing ceremonies and award presentations.

SECTION 10 Managers are responsible for appointing a team parent and to help with concession duties, fundraising, field maintenance, scorekeeping, and other program functions.

SECTION 11 Managers are responsible for appointing at least one scorekeeper (and one alternate if possible) to act as official scorekeeper for every game.

SECTION 12 Managers are responsible for notifying the LEAGUE OFFICIAL on duty at least one and a half hours in advance, if possible, that he/she must forfeit the game due to the inability to field eight players.

SECTION 13 Managers are reminded that home teams are responsible for placement of bases at proper distances and chalking the fields prior to game start time. Managers of the visiting team are to return bases to the equipment building, dragging the field with field maintainer or rakes provided there is no follow-on game and replace chalk mark guides if needed for batters boxes & hash marks between bases.

SECTION 14  Managers should remind their player’s parents the Association insurance is a secondary policy and all claims must be filed with their primary insurance company first.

SECTION 15 Managers are required to fill out an injury report and turn into their Division Representative in the event of an injury occurring at any League sanctioned event within 24 hours of the occurrence. The form may be obtained under forms tab at or from your Division Representative (Commissioner).



SECTION 1 Contracts: The Board may authorize any officer(s) or agent(s) to enter into any contract or executive and delivery instrument in the name of and on behalf of the RRGSA, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. 

SECTION 2 Loans: No loan shall be contracted on behalf of the RRGSA and no evidence of indebtedness shall be issued in its name, unless authorized by Resolution of the Board. 

SECTION 3 Checks, Drafts, etc.: All checks, drafts, other orders for payment of money, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the RRGSA shall be signed by such officer(s) or agent(s) as authorized by the Board. 

SECTION 4 Deposits: The moneys, notes, and other evidence of indebtedness to the RRGSA shall be deposited in such Banks and Savings & Loans as shall, from time to time, be determined by resolution of the Board. The Treasurer will provide a receipt for registration, fundraising, etc.; and have a second person, preferably a Board Member, count all money before deposit and document such on the receipt.




1.      The program will include up to seven age groups:

                                         i.         T-Ball for ages 3 & 4

                                        ii.         Jr. Pixie for ages 5 & 6

                                       iii.         Pixie for ages 7 & 8

                                       iv.         Freshman 10 & Under for ages 9 & 10

                                        v.         Sophomore 12 & Under for ages 11 & 12

                                       vi.         Junior 14 & Under for ages 13 & 14

                                      vii.         Open 18 & Under for ages 15, 16, 17, & 18.

2.      The player’s age as of September 1st of the appropriate year will determine the respective age group of play as listed in the ASA Rules of Softball.

3.      Player eligibility will be consistent with ASA Article 201(B)

4.      A player may be a permanent member of a lower age division only by a majority vote from the Executive Board.


1.      Registration and sponsor fees will be determined annually by the current board.

2.      Fees may be refunded at the Board’s discretion on a case-by-case basis.

3.      Players needing financial assistance may apply for a scholarship which will be made available based upon need as determined by the Board.


1.      Every effort will be made to assign and locate a practice field for each team.

2.      Managers are required to meet with teams as a unit at least once per week, weather permitting. A uniform method of notification to all team players of meeting times must be used.

3.      Team practice sessions may not be more than two and one half hours in duration with no more than one team practice session per day.


1.      Appropriate attire will be worn at practices and games and in the appropriate manner for how it is designed.

2.      Players must wear all approved protective equipment, personally purchased or furnished by the association during play and practice while batting, running and playing in the catcher’s position.

3.      Soft-soled shoes, rubber cleats or soccer type shoes must be worn. No one will be allowed to practice or play while barefoot or wearing metal cleats.

4.      No jewelry of any kind will be allowed.


1.      The home team is responsible for keeping the official scorebook.

2.      Each team must have a TEAM PARENT who will be responsible for helping coordinate all association activities, especially fund raising projects.

3.      Each team is responsible for cleaning up their dug-outs and their side of the fields after each game.


The current year’s ASA OFFICIAL GUIDE, as published by the Amateur Softball Association of America, 2081 NE 50th Street, PO Box 11436, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111-7203, shall be the official rules of the RRGSA. ASA Rules and guidelines will be followed except where modified by the “Leagues Rules, Exceptions, Division Modifications” document as approved by the RRGSA Board



SECTION 1 All girls are required to try out for the Spring and Fall Season. The board will designate a date and time and relay that information to members in a timely manner preceding the tryout.

SECTION 2 All girls with pitching experience and catching experience will try out for such positions.  They must also try out in the general draft to record their full ability.

SECTION 3 All players are eligible to be drafted regardless of showing up for the tryout or not, but no-show provisions may be in place for conducting the draft.



SECTION 1: The draft will be held after evaluations. The commissioner of the league/division will announce the time and place for the league/division draft, and will preside over the draft to ensure that all the rules are followed. After completion of the draft, division directors will prepare rosters and place them on record with the Commissioner and Player Agent.

SECTION 2: The order of the draft will be determined by random drawing.

SECTION 3:  Any special requests, or comments, etc. will be discussed prior to the draft, and must be approved by the board.

SECTION 4: Each manager will be given a rating sheet. The player will be rated by their ability to catch, throw, field, pitch (if applicable), and hit. Managers keep their notes.

SECTION 5: Sister/Twin Rule:

A. Sisters have the privilege of playing on the same team if the parents so desire.
B. Parents must state their desire for sisters to play on the same team at registration.

SECTION 6: First year players will not be allowed to play up to the next age group. Any player under age 7 will not be allowed to play up one age group without board approval. 

SECTION 7: In an attempt to make all leagues more competitive RRGSA will attempt to place at least one (1) pitcher and one (1) catcher on each team. A “pitchers/catcher” draft will be held prior to the normal draft and any girl who tried out as a P/C will be designated for this draft. In the event a player does not tryout or misses the P/C tryout the managers of such division can deem that player a pitcher or catcher based on past experience. However, approval must be given from the player’s parent. Any player who pitched or caught in the previous all-star season will automatically be designated a pitcher or catcher. Each manager may pick either a pitcher or catcher during the P/C draft. There is no particular order of picking a pitcher or catcher. You may pick either one as your first or second pick in the p/c draft.

SECTION 8: The draft format will be a "snake" draft. Draft order will be determined by random draw.

SECTION 9: After the draft is concluded, each team is allowed to initiate one trade. This trade must be made prior to leaving the room and must be made by the Manager or his representative and voted upon by the Executive Board. You have 5 minutes to trade. 


SECTION 10: No player will be permitted to change teams after the draft unless it is a very special circumstance and Board approval must be obtained before a player will be allowed to change teams.

SECTION 11 T-Ball league will conduct a blind draw for its draft



SECTION 1: All equipment will be turned in at a time determined by the director responsible. Failure to return the equipment will prohibit the MANAGER/COACH from further participation in RRGSA activities until said equipment, or money is received or settlement is made with the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2: Players and their parents will be held responsible for the player's registration fee, fundraising money, or other RRGSA funds in the player/parent's custody. No girl shall be allowed to participate in the RRGSA until the aforesaid money is received or settlement is made with the Board of Directors. A $30.00 fee will be charged for all returned checks. 

SECTION 3: Any settlement concerning funds owed to RRGSA will be worked out during the first two weeks of the season. Concession work, field maintenance or marking of the fields will serve as credits towards funds owed to RRGSA as approved by the board.


Girls who register late will not affect team sizes, except with Board approval but will be placed on a waiting list and assigned to teams as vacancies occur. 

SECTION 1: The Commissioners of the appropriate age group will hold the waiting list. 

SECTION 2: As vacancies occur, the girls will be placed on teams in the order in which they were put on the waiting list. 

SECTION 3: Team Managers will report loss of player(s) immediately to the commissioner; failure to comply with this subsection could result in forfeiture of all league games until said loss of player(s) is reported to the commissioner. 

SECTION 4: Sign-up for the waiting list will terminate on RRGSA Opening Day. Any girl who played for RRGSA in the previous year cannot be a late registrant and go on the waiting list. 

SECTION 5: There will be a $25.00 late fee for registrations past the last advertised 
registration date.



(No amendments to bylaws)



Rose Rich Girls Softball Association
P.O. Box 1780 
Richmond, Texas 77469

Email: [email protected]

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